International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2018 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 71-74
Innovation in Digital Currencies Payment Technology
K.Bhargavi, D.Akhila

Recent innovations have made it possible to transfer non-public digital foreign money without the intervention of an business enterprise such as a bank. Modern electronic charge systems depended on, important one third events to process bills securely. Recent trends have seen the introduction of virtual currencies like Bitcoin, which integrate new currencies with decentralized charge systems. Digital currencies have attracted large attention, the distributed ledger underlying their payment structures is a huge innovation. Modern payment systems are computerized and most cash exists simplest as virtual facts on industrial banks money owed. Digital currencies serve as money for everybody with a web-enabled tool, at present they act as money simplest to a restricted volume and handiest for incredibly few people. This paper explains latest improvements in payments technology, focusing on the emergence of privately evolved, net-based totally virtual currencies which include Bitcoin. Digital currency schemes combine both new charge systems and new currencies