Call for Papers –July – 2024


Submission open for July - 2024

Last Date of Paper Submission:July 25

Last Date of Publication:July 30,2024

Paper Publication (Online)




Authors are cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming edition Volume 8, Issue 7, July - 2024.

The manuscript/ paper can be submitted online via IJAISR – Editorial Management System (EMS) below link


  • All areas related to engineering research fields are covered under IJAISR.
  • The topics are not limited to the list that is availableat this link.

The IJAISR offers benefits specific to journal publications:

  • Easy & Rapid Paper publishing Process
  • IJAISR provides one“Soft copy of full Paper” to each Author.
  • IJAISR provides individualSoft Copy of “Certificate of Publication” to each Author of paper.
  • Full Color soft Copy of paper with Journal Cover Pages for Printing
  • Paper will be published online
  • Open Access Journal DatabaseforHigh visibility and promotion of your research work.
  • Inclusion in all Major Bibliographic open Journal Databases like Google Scholar.
  • A global list of prestigious academic journal reviewers from leading colleges & universities.
  • Access to Featured IJAISR-EMS Author Account(Lifetime)

Paper Format:

Paper should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. The Paper can be up to 15 pages excluding references and abstract. For proper referring and fast publication all manuscript should be grammatically correct.

You can download the IJAISR Paper template in word document: CLICK HERE

There is no publication charges

Formal Conditions of Acceptance:

  • Papers will be published in English and other languages.
  • All papers are refereed, and the Editor reserves the right to refuse any manuscript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.