International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2018 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 119-128
Coastal Cities, Rapid Transformation and Unsustainable Development Practices: the case of Qatif Oasis, Saudi Arabia
A.K. Alhowaish

This paper aims to examine the environmental impacts associated with the urban expansion and rapid transformation of three coastal cities in the Qatif Oasis over the last 60 years and to assess the current and future challenges facing these cities. Particular attention is paid to the unsustainable development practices associated with rapid transformation that have resulted in environmental problems. The rapid loss of agricultural areas and the devastation of marine life along the shores of these three cities (because of landfilling activities along the western shore of the Arabian Gulf) are the most severe environmental problems facing these coastal cities. The results of this study suggest that if the current pattern and rate of changes in land use continue, all agricultural land will possibly disappear forever in the next 25 to 30 years. Similarly, if the seashore reclamation activities continue at the same rate, marine life will become extinct, forever harming the viability of the fishing industry and ecosystem. Therefore, legal regulations and environmental protection legislation toward preserving agricultural lands and protecting the marine environment need to be revised, improved, and adopted. Further, public participation through community awareness programs and voluntary work toward protecting agricultural areas and the marine environment needs to be encouraged and maintained.