International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2018 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 1-9
Lessons Tanzanian Elites and Policy Makers Can Learn From East Asian Tigers on the Idea of Developmental States
Salim M. Hamza, Salum Mohammed Ahmed

Over the past fifty years in developing world, the role of the state intervention in promoting economic growth and social progress has been a subject of disputing among political elites, international development experts and policy analysts. Recognition of the economic growth success of East Asia has led to new thinking on what developmental states idea should be accomplished. The observable optimism performance of East Asian Tigers on the contextual of developmental states is keen in the fact that economic growth can be achievable when states commitment is concerned with respect to capitalist based economy. Since Tanzania is in a unique position of possessing some resources in which other East Asian Tigers did not posses thou their commitment and high standard of responsibility were imperative to their success. It is in this line therefore this paper attempts to draw attentions of Tanzanian Elites and Policy makers on how they can learn from the story of development states in East Asia so as to invent it into the development agenda in building sustainable development for the people of Tanzania.