International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2018 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 33-42
Adaptive Protection Scheme for Low-Voltage DC-Bus Microgrid Systems
Dina Khaled, Amr Magdy, Mostafa Marei

Adaptive Protection Scheme for low-voltage dc-bus microgrid systems is presented in this paper. Unlike traditional ac microgrids, protection has been challenging for dc systems. The goals of the proposed scheme are to detect the fault in the bus between devices and to separate the faulted section so the system keeps operating without disabling the entire system. To achieve these goals, a loop-type dc-bus-based microgrid system, in which differential protection scheme is proposed that include solid-state bidirectional switches and snubber circuits. The proposed scheme can detect faults on the bus regardless of fault current amplitude or the power supply’s feeding capacity. The proposed concepts have been proved by MATLAB/Simulink simulations