International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 20-27
Design and Control Level of Moisture in Baby Incubator with On-Off Method and Acquisition of Baby Weight Use Load Cell Sensor
Sumardi, Enda Wista Sinuraya, Bhea Novanisa Palupi

Abstract: Baby incubator is one of life support for premature babies. Premature babies are babies who born faster than the birth of normal babies and usually have weight under 2500 grams. In general, the standard incubator currently only serves to maintain the appropriate room temperature conditions for babies. Another important thing that must be considered in a baby incubator is the level of humidity and monitoring the baby's weight. In this final project a baby incubator system is designed using a DHT11 sensor and a load cell sensor. DHT11 sensor is used to measure and control the required moisture level. This humidity control is done by the ON-OFF method. Humidity regulated in baby incubators is in the range of 40% -60%. While the load cell sensor is used for the acquisition of baby's weight automatically. The maximum capacity of the load sensor used is 5 kg. From the results of testing the humidity control system and the acquisition of baby weight, the ideal humidity results are in the range of 45% -55%. Humidity in that range can maintain indoor conditions and form a stable graph. For the acquisition of a baby's weight using a sensor load cell, it was found that the average error was quite good at 0.01%.