International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 10-18
Corporate Turnaround and Employee Needs a Study of Selected Firms in Nigerian.
Onwuzuligbo, Leonard tabugbo Ph.D and Amakor, Ifeoma chinelo Ph.D

This study determined if there is a significant positive relationship between corporate Turnaround and Employee Exploitation. Ten Corporate entities that have superior longevity in various industry groups of the 225 firms in Nigerian Stock Exchange Market were selected using a multistage cluster sampling technique. Date was collected with a five point lickers scale structured instrument. Two hypotheses were tested using ANOVA. The findings reveal that there is significant position relationship between considerate treatment of employees during turnaround. That exploitation of employees have significant negative relationship to Business Sustainability. Recommendations are that firms undergoing turnaround should carry along the employees, giving them fair treatment even to elicit their cooperative for the success of the turnaround effort. And that to pursue Business Sustainability, Firms should avoid any kind of exploitation of their employees.