International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 25-32
SM-ideal of A Non Associative Seminear –Ring With BCK Algebra
SajdaKadhum Mohammed, Maryam Ameen Oleiwi

In this paper , we define a new type of ideal on a non associative seminear-ring with BCK algebra (NASNR-BCK algebra) which is called SM- ideal where we say that (X , . , * , 0) is a NASNR-BCK algebra if X is a non-empty set with two binary operations '*' and '.' defined on it and 0 is constant satisfying the following conditions : a) (X , . ) is a semigroup . b) (X, *, 0) is a BCK algebra. c) (x . y) * z = (x *z) . (y * z) , for all x, y, z X which is called thedistributive law d) 0 . x = x . 0 = x , for all x X. We prove some results then we define the notion of fuzzy SM-ideal on NASNR-BCK algebra and prove some results with examples.We explain the relationships among it and other type of ideals on NASNR-BCK algebra.