International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 34-40
Management of Alternative Livelihood Options to Local Communities Living Adjacent to the Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve
Sabri Idrissa Muslim, Iddi Hussein Hassan

“Alternative livelihood” projects have long been used as a strategy for reducing local community threats toward species, habitats and forest ecosystem in forest protected areas. In Zanzibar, in spite of receiving funds from several development partners targeting livelihood options for communities around the Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve to enhance the life of the communities, they still use the forest for their livelihood. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the management of the alternative livelihood options to the local community living around Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve where the specific objective was to examine the context of Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve and management planning of alternative livelihood design in Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve in Chwaka, Pete, Kitogani, Ukongoroni and Charawe. Yamane (1967) idea was used to choose the sample size of the study by using formula at marginal error (E=10%) to get 94 respondents (local communities households), also six key informants The data collection of the study was done using interviewer administered questionnaire for 94 respondents (local communities) and six key informants for in-depth interview. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS v20 and Microsoft excels 2007. Alternative livelihood options are most important project in conservation, The study shows that the local community embrace the economic values and opportunities than the other values like biodiversity, cultural and research and education, however the department of the forest view reserving biodiversity is main source of economic income, so the alternative livelihood options should link this embracement enough to let the local communities living adjacent to Jozani Chwaka Bay Biosphere Reserve not use the forest for livelihood