International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 7-12
A Study on Socio-Economic Status of House Maid Workers in Karnataka: A Sociological Study
Smt. Sandhya S. J., Researcher

During last few decades there has been phenomenal growth in the numbers of working women in India and most of them occupied in informal employment. It is clearly evident that income of house maid workers is lowest among all the women employee of informal sector and they even face many problems compare to others. House maid workers are engaged in household works like washing utensils floor mopping, washing clothes cooking, and as well as some outdoor works such as buying vegetables, milk etc. Majority of them live in poor living conditions without any colors and struggling for everyday survival. An effort has been made in this study to trace out the socio-economic status of maid servants. For this purpose, present study total 250 female maid servants are selected for the analysis. The researcher used structured questionnaire for collecting data. The collected data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution. The result shows that poor economic status was the main reason for taking the job as maid servants. It was also evident that, maid servants had to face many problems at work place. Moreover problems like low self esteem and under development are moon among maid servants due to lack respect in the society.