International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 13-27
An Analysis of the Contribution of Capacity Development Strategies to the Performance of Community Based Organizations in Kisumu City, Kenya
Olala, Gilbert Owuor

There is concurrence in community development conversation that capacity development is the engine of human development. In the face of economic, climate, health and food crises, development of communities’ capacities to design and implement strategies that minimize the impact of events remain relevant for sustaining progress. The purpose of the study was to analyze the contribution of capacity development strategies to the performance of Community Based Organizations in Kisumu City, Kenya. A descriptive survey research methodology was used. The study targeted 1202 respondents from 16 active Community Based Organizations. The sample size obtained through Fisher’s model was 291 respondents. Sampling technique was stratified random sampling. Structured questionnaire tested for validity and reliability was made use of in data collection. Data was analyzed through correlation and regression models and results presented in tables. The findings were: a statistically significant strong degree of positive correlation (R=.707; P<.05) between joint capacity development strategies and performance; roughly 50.0% of the variation in performance was attributed to capacity development strategies; the value F ratio = 95.841; P< .05 revealed multiple linear regression model was statistically significant. Capacity development strategies therefore contributed to the performance of Community Based Organizations; the largest statistically significant Beta coefficient of .517 (P< .05) was for benchmarking. It had the strongest unique contribution in explaining performance; the Beta value for networking of .292 (P<.05) was also statistically significant and made the second strongest unique contribution in explaining performance; and training with Beta value of .024 (P>.05) was statistically insignificant. It made the least and negligible contribution in explaining performance. In conclusion, capacity development strategies had a strong degree of statistically significant positive relationship with performance of Community Based Organizations in Kisumu City. Performance of Community Based Organizations was significantly attributed to capacity development strategies. Benchmarking made the strongest unique contribution in explaining performance; networking made the second strongest unique contribution; and training made the least and insignificant contribution. The study recommends: joint use of capacity development strategies; and identifying other capacity development strategies with a view to improving performance.