International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 44-48
Cloud Media Server for Smart Security System
Sudjadi, Cheptian Simamora,Maman Somantri, M Arfan, Darjat, Sukiswo, Karnoto

The server is a media that has an important role to provide various services for its users. So that the network can be used optimally, a server is needed. This study aims to design server virtualization in the area with the aim of building a server infrastructure that facilitates service on an efficient, flexible camera security system and optimizes resource use, so that it can be adjusted to the workload so that hardware resources are optimally , This research conducted a solution using the concept of virtualization items, namely the use of proxmox to design virtual servers that can run virtual servers with different resources. Server usage consists of a web server and a media server. The results Obtained from the design of the system in the form of server virtualization by utilizing proxmox