International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 48-51
Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance in Distance Learning programmes in Nigeria
Olatunbosun Odusanya

Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in individuals’ professional, home and personal lives as the relationships people form are regulated by the rules of behaviour that are prompted by the emotions. Both public and private sector organizations need to cope with the change in an effective way and Emotional Intelligence is the useful ornament in helping the leaders of the organizations to deal effectively with the change that takes place in the organizational environment. In this article, we examined emotional intelligence and employee performance in Distance learning programmes in Nigeria. Emotional intelligence is a strong predictor of high performance among employee of distance learning institute. Key determinants of emotional intelligence identified in the course of the study are self-awareness, self-management, accurate self-assessment, self-confidence and empathy. This study recommends that Management should look for an organizational wide approach of bringing the employees closer to each other like organizing get together activities, end of the year parties and other social events so that they can understand themselves better as this will go a long way in increasing their awareness of others and relate well with others.