International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 9-13
Mentorship and Business Performance in Nigeria: The Nexus
Anekwe Rita Ifeoma

Mentorship is perceived as having a generative influence, ensuring that important legacies, values and beliefs of the profession can be preserved and passed to successive generations. The corporate business world has developed systems of mentoring which are integral to the induction and supported development of new company employees. A business mentoring program will help both mentors and mentees to develop their potential and upgrade their expertise. Nigeria is today faced with people who boycott and absconds from mentorship to start a personal venture and practice with insufficient knowledge and this affect their performance. Modern business mentoring has been identified as a possible panacea to global economic distress, organizational failure and poor business leadership succession plan. The study explores the role of mentorship on business performance in Nigeria and assesses the major dimensions of the mentoring relationship. It concludes that Mentoring is an appropriate form of support, which provides mentees with the possibility to improve their management skills and learn through action with the support business experience. It was recommended that Business organization should take mentorship especially career support, knowledge transfer and psychosocial support seriously because it has a positive effects in improving both employee and business performance