International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 26-29
Islam «Soluble» in Modernity and Technology
Mourad M.H. Henchiri

Breaking definitively with all condescending Orientalism, we show that there is a true philosophy in the land of Islam, between religious wisdom and political theology. Here, the nature and characteristics of Islamic philosophy (or philosophy in Islam) seem to be an inexhaustible source of questions that intrigue, at least since the nineteenth century, thinkers and specialists in the Muslim field. Today, they continue to motivate researchers eager to provide another answer to this familiar question: "What is Islamic philosophy? Thus the problems range from the very rightness of this name of "Islamic, Arab or Islamic philosophy", to the practitioners and exercisers of this science / activity, the philosophers, the mystics and the wise, through the contents that it can be classified under such a heading. In this research paper we highlight the impact of Islam within the IIUM and the Malaysian community [1].