International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2019 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 43-45
Digital trust: Ethics and security to strengthen «Islamization» Ethical social relationships
Prof. Mohamad Fauzan Noordin, Saiid Mouhammed Al Rashdi, Mourad M.H. Henchiri

Although they have a long common history, the Western world and the Muslim world nonetheless, they are very different. The rise of terrorism has made us one once again become aware. I would like to focus on a question that is rarely asked in these somewhat tense times but which, however, could prove to be significant and of great importance: "What is the position of these two worlds vis-ŕ-vis the technique? " by placing this subject in a historical perspective it is impossible to ignore the past religious of technology, both in Western civilization and in civilization Muslim. A very topical subject today: the renewed interest in the vitality of religions in the today's world and their influence on culture [4] and particularly their influence on technological development. Let me be very clear about the term "religion" when the media delves into the subject of religion it often presents it as one of the factors or one of the variants of human life, like, say, sport, politics or science. It is no less. If we look at religious societies as well as any other society in the world we can see that religion is not just a function among the others, but, rather the root from which come, grow and feed the different branches of life. Religion is of fundamental and integral importance: these are deep roots of human existence and integrates human life into a coherent whole. We will be able to demonstrate it to you in the topic of this afternoon. [5].