International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 24-29
Impact of Parental Rejection, and Emotional Intelligence on Psychological Maladjustment among Adolescents

Adolescents are gaining significant attention of contemporary researchers due to alarming rise of psychological maladjustment in western as well as Asian countries. The core reasons of the psychological maladjustment was observed to be parental rejection and lack of emotional intelligence. The current investigation was directed to inspect parental rejection and emotional intelligence among adolescents in Pakistan. It was assumed that Parental rejection is likely to be positively related to psychological maladjustment in adolescents. Whereas the emotional intelligence assumed to be a negative predictor of psychological maladjustment. Adolescents (N=200) from 13 - 19 years, M= 15.13 of ages both boys & girls were recruited from the different private & government schools. To assess self- report measures, The PARQ M&F by Rohner, was used to assess the children’s (youth) perception toward their parents. Personality Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) by Rohner, translated by Naz and Kausar, (2011) (University of Punjab), was used to assess psychological mal-adjustments among youth. Lastly, to measure the EI, the Emotional Intelligence scale (EIS) by Schutte, was used. Findings uncovered that parental rejection had a huge constructive connection with mal maladjustment and emotional intelligence. The significant predictive relationship was found between parental rejection emotional intelligence and psychological maladjustment among young people. Maladjustment and parental rejection rose as critical indicators of low emotional intelligence among young people. Implications of the findings for guardians, psychological wellbeing expert, and policy makers are discussed with regards to Pakistani culture.