International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 76-86
Relationship between Perceived Parental Practices, Emotional Behavioral Problems and Empathic Concern among Adolescents
Sana Rehman, Swera Ashraf, Ume Laila

In current time adolescents experience substantial emotional, behavioural problems and lack of empathic concerns due to inappropriate parental practices. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between perceived parental practices, emotional, behavioural problems and empathic concern among adolescents of Gujranwala. The current research is based on survey research design, and stratified sampling technique was used for the data collection. The sample size comprised of 150 adolescents with age range of 12-17 years. The findings of the present research revealed that a significant negative correlation exists between positive parental practices, and subscales of emotional-behavioural problems. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation exists between negative parental practices, and emotional, behavioural problem. Empathic concern found to be positively correlated with positive parenting practices. The findings of the present study also revealed that gender, age, class, parent’s education, parent’s occupation, the family system has significant mean differences among adolescents. The results are discussed in term of the clinical implication of perceived parental practices and adolescents mental health.