International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 12-19
Quotient Tritopology, Quotient Maps and Quotient Spaces in Tritopological Spaces
Asmhan Flieh Hassan

In this work we shall investigate the reciprocal situation. If is a function from tritopological space onto a set , how may be tritopologized so that is -continuous?. And we present theorem shows that there exists the -largest tritopology for relative to which is -continuous. A main motivation for studying this subject is that, there is no published article about the Quotient Tritopological Spaces, we have defined it w.r.t. -open set in tritopological spaces which we named it “ - Quotient Spaces”. Furthermore, we provide necessary conditions to some theorems for these spaces to be preserved.