International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 17-21
Assistance Processing "Bolen Durian melted" As Featured Products Desa Pakis In Economy Improvement Society
Ridho Alfarisi, Robiatul Adawiyah, Lusiana Ulfa Hardinawati, Mutiara Bilqis

National economic growth is largely determined by the dynamics and development of the regional economy, while the regional economy in general is supported by small and medium-scale economic activities. The village of fern is a mountainous area located on the slopes of Mount Argopuro the which is identical to the agricultural and plantation areas so there are many local ingredients Including fruits, vegetables, rice, corn, coffee and so on. There are Several problems in the village of fern based on the data from the village of the University of Jember that the village of ferns has problems in marketing local fruits, for example durian. Training activities on the processing of various products, one of the which is the melting durian bolens and supplies on how to market a variety of processed products that are ready to be marketed. Assistance Activities, PKK members will each form a group of five people to process various processed products. Guidance Activities, PKK members will be equipped with how to package a variety of interesting processed products and how to market Reviews their products.