International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 1-7
Potentials of Hempcrete in Building Technology in Nigeria: A Concise Review
Abubakar Zaid, Muhammad Rabiu.K, Olabimtan Olabode. H

In Nigeria, traditional construction materials are discovered in large amounts and combinations with their economic benefits relative to their geographical regions. In the industrialized phase of sustainable construction, energy use is a crucial and important environmental factor in the manufacturing of building materials, requiring the use of readily available building materials with low carbon emissions that are usually recyclable. The increase in house infrastructure costs has remained a major concern for the Nigerian government because of the over-dependency on the application of building materials that are imported. Therefore, the high time to take a cursory look at hempcrete as sustainable natural building resources with the option of creating new opportunities for housing cost reduction for their thermal properties, economic advantages, and benefits of reduced energy costs. Conclusively, the approach with this traditional building material in the contemporary building techniques were highlighted with respect to how it can be practically integrated into the Nigerian construction sector.