International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 60-62
Special Issue On Environmental Management In The Small-Scale Mining Industry
Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich

Many have overlooked the potential for environmental improvements in the grassroot industries of the developing world. One such industry, small-scale mining, has long proven to be economically important in Asia, Africa and South America. The sector has not only provided millions of people with employment but has also contributed positively to national mineral exports, revenues, and foreign exchange earnings in a number of countries. The most recent socioeconomic assessments of small-scale mining suggest that it provides employment (both directly and indirectly) to some 30 million people in the developing world, and that industry production accounts for approximately one-sixth of global non-fuel mineral output. Clearly, with the industry expanding at an unprecedented rate, there is an obvious need to address the environmental aspects of operations accordingly.