International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 72-79
Clinical Expert System Model for Diagnosing Dengue Infection
Husnain Saleem, Abdur Rashid Khan, Tehseen Ali Jilani

Expert system is a system that emulates experts to aid in decision-making. This system can be applied in various categories such as diagnosis, prediction, interpretation, and others. This research is to design a model along with prototype of clinical expert system for diagnosing dengue infection based on the indication of disease, theory and expert knowledge. The result of the system includes all aspects of dengue infection. The Model of clinical Expert system for diagnosing dengue infection (CESMDDI) developed through using ESTA as a development tool with both backward and forward chaining techniques and used decision tree for hierarchal classification, the system provide basic knowledge for questioning user to decide the infection and measures necessarily to be taken. This system is very useful for doctors, doctor candidates as well as students of medicine faculty who use it as a tool to start diagnosing a disease/infection. The system has classified the disease structure based on basic information gathered from literature study and medical expert interview. Medical experts evaluated the proposed system and they were happy and satisfied with its performance and ease of use.