International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 47-50
Developing Skills of Students on the Basis of Interdisciplinary Communication Function of Mathematics at Primary School
Abdinazar Abdivosikhovich Salomov, Rustam Sayfiddinovich Khurramov

In this article, the primary class based on the interdisciplinary connection function of mathematics The skills and abilities of students are explored, ideas and methodological recommendations. The expediency of many years of research, taught by many teachers and use of mathematical statistical methods in the processing of experimental data characterized by another subject is the knowledge acquired by students in general secondary school issues such as linking to the basics, integrating, focusing on specializations are rare they are the formation of students' mathematical skills and competencies. The development is considered insufficient and studied based on some observations and experiments we go out.