International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 107-109
The Impact of Information Systems on Organizational Performance In Sri Lanka
M.A.M M Siraju, A.L.M Rifky, M.F.M Marsook, S.M.B.M Assam

This study investigated the influence of the Information System on the performance of organizations to find out the type of MIS being implemented in the university systems in Sri Lanka, and identify the relationship between MIS systems and organizational performances and the impact MIS makes on organizational performance. The research was undertaken at an institution for higher education. The case study approach is more suited for the estimation of the business advantages of modern IT innovations among these three investigative approaches The main results suggest that there is a major positive association between the performance of Information System and organizations, indicating that the higher the management information systems, the higher the performance of organizations. The results also revealed that the information systems had a significant effect on the organization. Therefore, it suggests the organizations have a proper MIS system and it will reduce the work load of the employees.