International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 28-30
The Innovative Creative Added Value In The Process Of Criticism of Criticism According To the Theory of Analysis and Upgrading In The Innovative School Of Criticism
Saad Abdul Zahra Al - Saadi , Iraq

In this brief research, we try to define new creative values ??that the later critic adds, while he criticizes the first work in an attempt to identify the most important elements that the previous critic overlooked, and the most important considerations that were mentioned in the text but were neglected due to forgetfulness or inability to analyze, or in a way intentional, meaning with intent or not, and its manifestation again with a critical stylization that can be called regenerative criticism as an addition that is consistent with what is presented on the criticism table in its general form, not with what the first critic sought to deal with the production emanating from the producer.