International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 124-128
Effect of Sowing Terms and Norms of Autumn Rye Seeds on Agrophysical Properties of Soil
Tagaev Abdullajon Maxamatovich and Qambarova Dilnoza

The article describes the sowing dates and norms of autumn rye seeds to the agrophysical properties of the soil, which are important properties that determine the soft weight or density of the soil, including volume weight and water permeability. Autumn rye seeds will be sown on October 1 at a rate of 3 million tons per hectare. It was found that the soil was compacted in the 0-30 cm layer when sown at the expense of germinating seeds. In the medium term, ie on the 10th and 20th of October, 3 mln. variants 7 and 10 sown at the expense of germinated seeds were analyzed. 5 mln. When sowing seeds, it is 1.44-1.45 g / cm3, which is 4 mln. 0.04-0.07 g / cm3 each, 5 mln. in grains, the volume increased by 0.04-0.05 g / cm3. When analyzing the options sown in the evening, ie on November 1, the following data were obtained: 3 mln. was detected when seeds were sown.