International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 170-175
Advantages Of Classroom Interaction In Developing Speaking At B1 Level
KhalikovaDilafruz Shuxratovna Arolov Zukhiriddin G'ulom o'g'li

The idea that interaction could and should take place in the classroom became more and more popular especially in second or foreign language classroom. Today, many researchers claim that through classroom interaction knowledge can be constructed and skills can be developed. Teachers' roles and responsibilities were changed in the direction of facilitators of the learning and teaching processes. In this article, learners are supposed to be given opportunities to use the language naturally other than only memorizing dialogues and pattern practices.The classroom interaction can be a best pedagogical strategy to develop not only the learners' speaking skill, but also to foster their capacity to generate new language. This study is based on micro teaching to get information about the impact of classroom interaction on developing the learners' speaking skill.