International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 37-40
Grossesse Gémellaire Associant Une Môle Complète Et Une Grossesse Singleton Normale A Propos D'un Cas Avec Revue De La Litterature
Fouzia El Hilali, Salah Achkif, Sanaa Erraghay, Mohamed karam Saoud, Nissrine Mamouni, Chahrazed Bouchikhi, Abdelaziz Banani.

: Twin pregnancy involving a complete mole and a normal singleton pregnancy with its own healthy trophoblast is a rare entity. The most serious complication is the progression to gestational trophoblastic disease. Reporting the case of a 38-year-old pastry, G5P4, consultant for bleeding after pregnancy of 16 weeks not followed, whose pelvic ultrasound showed the appearance of an association of a complete hydatidiform mole and a normal singleton pregnancy . The patient had a spontaneous abortion 48 hours after her hospitalization. The anathomopathologic study confirmed the diagnosis of the association of a complete mole and a normal placenta. The evolution is marked by the non-evolution towards gestational trophoblastic disease.