International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 41-44
Review on the Anti-Diabetic Activity of Salacia reticulata
M.P.B. Abhayasiri and T.M.D.M. Thennakoon

Diabetes mellitus has rapidly emerged as a major health problem in developed and developing countries throughout the world. Numerous factors contributing to this epidemic are related primarily to social, economic, technological and scientific advances that have resulted in increases life expectancy and marked decrease in physical activity. WHO estimates that the Diabetes was the 7th leading cause of death in 2016. In 2016, an estimated 1.6 million deaths were directly caused by Diabetes. As the death rate and the number of patients conveyed no reduction, this research was aimed to review the anti diabetic actions of an authentic medicine, Salacia reticulata as a therapeutic remedy.