International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 132-140
Actions Today, History for Tomorrow: An Appraisal of The Book of Jasher
Jeremiah Temitope Adelodun

It is not disputable that a lot of individuals fail to realize the intensity of their actions today despite the fact that, there are majority of learned individual in the twenty-first century. Many people had read about great philosophers of the past, whose legacies are still very valid in the contemporary times and as well, some individuals of bad influence whose examples are adopted for lessons rather than inculcating. These examples are meant to pass a lesson to the contemporary generation, which is the fact that, actions today serves as history in the future for other people to learn from. The book of Jashar, an extra biblical source which is also referred to in the Christian Bible is briefly examined as it contains a wider detail of some biblical stories which is to be used as a picture of what record looks like for the contemporary men and women to live right rather than wrong in order to have a good legacy even after end of physical living. As such, this study make use of two landmark stories from the book of Jashar with good and bad examples for men (generic) to make the right choice they wish to be remembered for after earthly existence.