International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 42-52
Ethics and Governance: Implications for Democratic Rule in Nigeria
Edmund F. Obomanu

This paper discusses the linkages between ethics and governance to identify its underlying implications for democratic rule in Nigeria, Africa's largest democracy. The article builds on the liberal theory and demonstrates that there is a research gap and scant theoretical review in the broad fields of ethics and governance across the developing democracies. It examined corruption, political violence and human rights violations as ethical issues to understand the specific contexts ethics are either practiced or undermined in post 1999 democratic rule in Nigeria. The article identified the dearth of ethical governance and alternatively, argued that there is a need to adopt ethical values in governance in Nigeria, by paying more attention to particular implications for democratic transformation. It suggests some ways to move towards ethical governance for a more stable democratic order.