International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 58-67
International Terrorism and Middle East: The People Reclaiming Their Belongings
Okechukwu, Groupson -Paul Uc. PhD, Chibuike , E Madubuegwu, Arua, Christopher Chukwu, Onyejegbu Emeka Dominic

The Middle East, a region of several conflicts, diplomatic intrigues and problematic peace engagement, is terror thriving enclave, where the Islamic states, who sees the discontent and weighing down as due to the intimidating outside influences. Acknowledging this reality, this paper argued that Al Qaeda has outlived its usefulness in a situation where most Arab states are overwhelmed, dominated and suppressed by Israel; that Arab-Spring was meant to do away with Monarchism to Western democracy; that foreign policies of the Middle East are never theirs'; that the economy are determined from outside; and aware that in no distance time the region might be a pro-Western sphere. Poised by this hocus-pocus demisfyism, the paper further revealed that Islamic Jihadist terrorism emerged to re-assert nationalism towards reclaiming the Middle East. In reference to methodology, this paper, situated on political conflict and nationalism theories and, explored the importance of secondary data and content-analysis method. The paper suggests that orderliness in conflict, a possible panacea to the Middle East conflicts be adopted since conflict is inevitable.