International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 55-61
Interpretation of Traditional Integration in Pedagogy
Ganiyeva Shodiya Azizovna and Egamberdiyeva Yulduz

The purpose of pedagogy is to bring together elements and parts of different disciplines with the same goals and objectives, and to help teachers achieve integration. Experience has shown that in primary school teachers, and later in their graduates, it is difficult to study this or that subject, to apply this knowledge and skills in the study of other subjects due to lack of skills to move or move to new situations. All of this is due to disagreements between different subjects in the primary grades. In this article the author shows integration is not the transfer of knowledge from one subject to another and the exchange of activities, but the process of creating new didactic equivalents (appropriate, similar, broad) that reflect the direction of integration of modern sciences.