International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 24-26
Gas-Liquid Mixtures for Drilling Method (With Foam)
khodzhaev Khabibkhon Sadirovich, khasanov Jahongir Sherali Ugli, davirov Bobur Bokhodir Ugli, boykobilov Farrukhjon Marufjon Ugli

In the current conditions of exploration, it is necessary to solve complex problems not only for the detection and assessment of ore deposits in new territories by conducting geological survey, prospecting and appraisal work by mobile field geological teams, but also tasks related to the production of exploration work in the most difficult conditions difficult to access. sites and lack of stable electricity and water supply. The indisputable advantages of using wellbore are the ability to drill wells in conditions of strong loss of drilling mud, a high degree of cleaning the bottom of the well from cuttings, lubricating and inhibiting properties. At the same time, there are a number of limitations for the widespread use of gas wells - these are difficulties in drilling unstable and fragile formations, as well as intensive mineralized water inflows. Taking into account modern requirements, the experience of the world's leading companies and our own developments, a schematic diagram of modern drilling technology with the use of gas wells was proposed. The use of gas-liquid mixtures at treatment facilities will intensify the process and increase drilling operations.