International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 44-53
Ngider Kidung in Piodalan Ceremony in Pura Puseh Pakraman Piling Village, Penebel, Tabanan
Ni Made Ramiati

Ritual activities that are regular, both six months and one year, which are carried out in the temple called piodalan. Piodalan is classified into Dewa Yadnya ceremony which is dedicated to the Gods who reside in the temple. Piodalan is usually done a day or three days according to the agreement of each follower. This piodalan series also varies with one another. Each Pakraman Village has its own rules so that it looks unique. For example, in Pakraman Piling Village, in the piodalan, one of the processions is ngider kidung, which is touring the temple while singing a song (Balinese singing). This article describes how the process of piodalan in Puseh Temple, Pakraman Piling village, where ngider kidung is arranged. Ngider kidung is carried out by circling several buildings in the temple. This activity resembles Kirtanam in the Bhakti tradition. The hymns that are sung are the wargasari sung by some of the agreed officials. This activity is very important to be carried out, because the success of the piodalan activity can be determined if this singing session is held.