International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 88-89
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Physics
Yuldashova Bonu Aybek qizi

Computer technology brings with it new opportunities and at the same time limitations. The learning process, the drawing of the modern lesson, the ways of interaction between teacher and students are changing. It is important not to get lost in the sea of electronic didactic teaching aids and choose the most effective ways to use them. The teaching of physics, due to the characteristics of the subject itself, is the most favorable area for the application of modern information technologies. For example, to form visual representations of the development of natural processes, the most effective will be the use of animated objects, schemes. To study the structure and functions complex object the most effective will be the use of interactive two-dimensional or three-dimensional model.