International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 18-26
Determination of Physical, Chemical and Heavy Metals Properties of Soil Sample in Department of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) Farm, Esa Oke
Abideen Adeyinka Adekanmi , Sherifdeen Adeniyi Adekanmi , Opeyemi shafiu Adekanmi

Success of the farming activities is based on soil meant for crops cultivation and the fertility of the soil where farmers are growing their crops. Soil fertility refers to the inherent capacity of a soil to supply essential nutrients to sustain at a high level to produce adequate food to feed its burgeoning population. Proper management of soil fertility required careful identification of problems of current nutrient deficiencies and adequate monitoring of changes in soil fertility to predict its deficiency. Despite huge roles attributed proper and constant management of soil fertility, proper consideration and adequate attention were not given to it by farmers and there is lack or no awareness from government to sensitization. As part of effort to correct this menace, this study focus on determination of physical, chemical and heavy metals properties of soil sample in department of science laboratory technology farm, Osun State College of Technology, Esa Oke. Soil sample was collected from Science Laboratory Technology farm at 15 cm depth with the aid of soil auger. Samples were prepared and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. Micronutrients, macronutrients and selected heavy metals were analyzed by standard methods. Data generated from laboratory analysis were subjected to statistical analysis. Results obtained showed that irrespective of the land use, soil of the study area was neutral with high sand fraction (> 70%) resulting to poor physical condition such as poor moisture retention and total porosity. The properties showed Soil texture (Loamy sand) , Soil pH (7.4±0.02), Electrical Conductivity (0.45±0.03), Organic carbon (0.70±0.02), Organic matter (27.87±0.09), Total porosity (63.8±0.40%), Bulk density (1.14±0.03g/cm3), Cation Exchange Capacity (12.51±0.15 Cmol/kg), Available nitrogen (208.45±0.03mg/kg), Phosphorous (22.47±0.11mg/kg), Potassium (650.41±0.30 mg/kg), Sulphur (15.05±0.03), Zinc (0.85±0.03), Iron (8.47±0.05 mg/kg), Manganese (3.69±0.04 mg/kg), Copper (6.89±0.04 mg/kg), Cadmium (0.22±0.02), Chromium(20.45±0.03), Manganese (65.37±0.06), Lead (15.58±0.07) and Zinc(125.21±0.03). There is urgent need to adopt strategic management measures and agronomic guidelines to improve the quality and level of fertility.