International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 21-34
Development of Literacy Programs for Adult in North Kordofan Rural areas
Nafisa, A., Hassan

The paper will based on a project designed to combat illiteracy among women in rural areas through the use of technology. The project was carried in an administrative district called Sudary in Hamrat ALSheikh in North Kurdofan. Illiteracy rate is very high among women of the area and the project provided literacy curricula through the use of technology with the aim of eliminating illiteracy. Although the project faced many challenges but the use of technology had a very positive impact in empowering women through eliminating illiteracy in the area. The paper will talk about the technology used, integration of curricula, impact of technology use in the motivation of the learners, challenges facing the project and impact of the technology - based solutions on illiteracy in rural areas.