International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 1-5
Analysis of Fraction Material Presentation Based on Bruner's Learning Stages in the Mathematics Textbooks of the 2013 Curriculum in Grade Iv
Lailatul Khofifah, Sunardi, Ridho Alfarisi, Titik Sugiarti, Erfan Yudianto

This study aims to examine the material presentation of fraction in the mathematics textbooks of the fourth grade elementary school based on Bruner's theory. Bruner's theory prioritizes the level of thinking or cognitive of students in the acquisition of mathematical concepts, especially fractions, and prioritizes the process of knowledge construction by students. This is a descriptive study which used content analysis technique. Data collection method used was documentation method. The documentation method was used to obtain data about the material presentation of fraction in mathematics textbooks. The instrument used was in the form of analysis sheets of fraction material presentation based on Bruner's learning stages. The overall percentage of the Bruner's learning stages applied to the presentation of fraction material is that the enactive stage is of 49%, the iconic stage is of 69%, and the symbolic stage is of 89%. Presentation of fraction material in mathematics textbooks is included in the good category, but is less concerned with the acquisition of concrete object-based concepts, so that it is considered less concerned with thinking stage of elementary school age children who are still at the concrete operational stage that is still in need of concrete objects in the acquisition of concepts or knowledge.