International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 126-138
Land Suitability Evaluation for Different Crops in Soils of Eastern Sohag, Egypt
Ali R. A. Moursy, Abdelgalil A. A., Ibrahim M. S., and Mustafa A. A.

This study aimed to evaluate land suitability for cultivating different crops in some soils of the Eastern part of Sohag Governorate. Six soil profiles were drilled, and soil samples were collected from each horizon. Soil profiles were described morphologically in situ. Soil samples were prepared and analyzed for their physical, chemical, and fertility parameters using the standard methods. Climatic data, as well as soil morphological, physical, chemical, and fertility data of the studied soils were used to evaluate and classify land capability using different indices. These data were used also to evaluate and classify land suitability for cultivating different crops using the parametric method and ALES model. The results of this study prevailed that, the soils of the studied site ranged between poor to fair capability (using Storie index) and from very poor to fair capability (using Sys and Verheye index). Regarding soil suitability evaluation using the parametric method, the studied area ranged between marginally suitable (S3) and moderately suitable (S2) for cultivating Wheat, Maize, Alfalfa, Tomato, Olives, and Mango. Using the ALSE model, soils ranged from non-suitable (N1) to moderately suitable (S2) for cultivating the evaluated crops. The limitations of these soils are soil texture, ECe, and SOM. Land capability and suitability maps were generated using the interpolation tool of QGIS software. These data and maps can be used for better planning for new lands reclamation and for enhancing land efficiency for crop productivity.