International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 139-142
Effects of The Frequency of Blood Glucose Checking to Control Type 2 Diabetes in Bangladesh
Kakoli Khatun

Diabetes is considered to be one of the major health threats affecting people nowadays which mainly occurs as a result of insulin secretion disorder and can affect anyone irrespective of gender and age. Also diabetes itself has its different forms or types like type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes. The causes, effects and treatments are thus not same for all people affected from diabetes according to different types. This study collects a sample of 918 individuals in Bangladesh with both type one and type 2 diabetes to distinguish between the causes of individual causes of each type. Also, this study tried to examine the effects of the frequency of blood glucose checking to control type 2 diabetes as it is found that type 2 is the most serious problem of diabetes in the developing countries like Bangladesh. For these purposes two models Logistic Regression Model and Poisson Count Model are used in this study and it is found that those people who check their blood glucose more frequently are more careful about their disease and they are more conscious about the way of controlling.