International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 83-87
Efficiency of Drip Irrigation Technologies in Intensive Gardens
Murodov Otabek Ulugbekovich, Kattaev Bobir Sobirovich, Saylixanova Maftuna Komiljonovna, Ibodov Islom Nizomiy o`g`li

In the article, alluvial soils of Bukhara region were irrigated a total of 13 times when low-pressure drip irrigation was used in the experimental field, where apple seedlings were planted at 1.5-2.0 m groundwater level, when soil moisture before irrigation was 70-70-60% relative to limited field moisture capacity (LFMC). Seasonal irrigation standards - 2535-2620 m3 / ha. or 1865-1780 m3 / ha of irrigation water compared to the control option. The article presents the impact of low pressure drip irrigation on the growth, development and yield of apple seedlings and the results of experiments conducted to study this irrigation technology.