International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 40-45
Kinetic Characteristics of Decomposition of Central Kyzylkum Phosphorites by Nitric Acid
Suvanov Farrukh Ravshanovich, Yorbobayev Ruslan Chorievich, Mirzaqulov Kholto'ra Chorievich

Data on the kinetics of decomposition of Central Kyzylkum phosphorites by nitric acid with a concentration of 57%, at a rate of 100% and a temperature of 40, 50 and 60 ° C are given. It is shown that the decomposition of raw phosphate raw materials, washed dried concentrate and washed burnt fosconcentrate proceeds at a high speed - in the first 30 seconds of interaction, 87-90% P2O5 passes into the solution. The remaining 9-12% is extracted in the next 15-20 minutes. This indicates that the phosphorites of Central Kyzylkum are highly reactive phosphate raw materials.