International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 141-152
Derivation of Composite Rules for Numerical Calculation of Triple Integrals with Continuous Integrands and Improve Results Using Aitken's Acceleration
Rehab A. Shaaban, Safaa M. Aljassas, Neeran Tahir Abd Alameer

The main goal of this article to calculate the triple integrals with continuous integrand numerically by derivation rules and its correction terms .Improve results using method that obtained by Aitken's acceleration with the composite rule from (Trapezoidal rule on the exterior dimension Z and interior dimension X and the suggested method on the middle dimension Y, denoted by TSuT) When the number of divisions on the three dimensions are equals. We presented theorem with its proof to evaluate this rule and the correction term for it. Moreover, we depended accelerations mentioned with TSuT rule to improve our results and we called the method by . the results value are better if accuracy and number of sub-intervals are taken in account .