International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 30-41
Strategic Management
Derese Simegnew Simegnew

During the strategic planning process, we admas university mission and vision, identified and analyzed the internal and external environments, and examined market trends and opportunities. We set our sights on admas university future through careful analysis and anticipation of the diverse needs of our students, faculty and staff; and we developed the roadmap for sustaining our school while increasing its vitality, strength, and success. As we embark on the implementation and achievement of the strategic plan goals, we will continuously evaluate the current situation and make necessary adjustments in order to maintain the best course of action. After thoughtful reflection of admas university , which are firmly founded on five decades of education, we are dedicated to sustaining and improving admas university role in preparing young adults for productive lives in service to their faith, their family, and their communities. This will require concerted efforts of those whose lives have been enriched by the admas university experience. These valued individuals include the faculty and staff of the school.