International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 25-29
Dependence of Ultrasound Absorption (Amplification) on Electron Scattering Mechanism in Semiconductors
Jurabek Abdiyev, Shakhboz Khasanov,

The absorption and amplification of ultrasound in semiconductors with high mobility in the presence of an external electric field E satisfying the conditionseE«q? ¯ , eEt_r«p ¯ (q -wave sound vector, t_r - pulse relaxation time, ? ¯, p ¯- is the characteristic value of the electron energy and momentum). It is shown that the absorption and amplification coefficients of sound essentially from the mechanisms of electron scattering.