International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 36-44
Challenges Muslim Women and Converts Faced in Wearing Hijab
Dr. Ramatu Ussif, Rafatu Ussif, Umar Yussif

The issue of "hijab" (veil/Islamic dress) has of late become another controversial issue of discussions and facing numerous challenges in the world, especially in western societies. As the "hijabis" increased in the world, so as the challenges, discrimination, and racism to them towards their religious obligations, rights, and freedoms also increased. This article assessed the challenges that Muslim women and converts faced in wearing hijab with focused on issues in line with discrimination, hatred, and negative perceptions about women in the hijab. The challenges usually come from family & friends, at the workplace, and in the public. The study again concentrates on the difficulties Muslim women face and how the challenges can be minimized if not eradicated. Relevant literature in several studies was reviewed on the subject matter which helps come up with the vivid challenges born Muslim women and converts go through in the public, with their family & friends, at the workplace and market and indicates also, how the challenges would be minimized by offering some remedies. The findings of the research create awareness about Islam and Muslim Islamic dress, contribute to the understanding of Islamic cultural, social, religious, and the hijab, and it again provides an understanding of what Muslim women go through daily worldwide and how to manage the situation. We conclude that Muslim women across the world must be allowed to observe their rights by having the freedom to religion and worship. These would bring peace, loving, understanding, cooperation, and respect among all religions. Finally, the study recommends that all stakeholders should help solve the challenges "hijabis" faced worldwide.