International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 49-69
The Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Performance: The Case of EPUC
Derese simegnew

The main purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between leadership style practices and employee performance. The study was reviewed different concepts and theories that are related to the topic. The researcher was used descriptive research design to describe the effects of leadership style on employee performance and also was used both primary and secondary data type and sources .The data for the research was collected through questionnaire. Open ended and close ended questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the respondents for more detailed information from the total of 140 employees' 58 of them was selected as sample through simple random sampling design and 58 questionnaires was distributed to them. Out of fifty eight (58) questionnaires forty five (45) questionnaires were returned. After the necessary data for the study was collected, the processing and analysis of the data was done. The questionnaire was manually sorted out by editing, classifying so that they will be suitable for further analysis. In this study descriptive analysis was used because its simplicity and clarity to draw inferences. The collected data was processed and analyzed by using pie-charts, graphs, tables and percentage computations. The analyzed data was organized in tables using percentage to put or to present some part of the data. After the data was processed and analyzed the researcher was interpreted in detail explanation. The outcomes of the study revealed that the practice of participative leadership style has significant and positive relationship with employee's performance. And the study explained that the increased use of encouragement allows leaders to achieve improved employee performance and thus facilitate participation in internal consultancy.