International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2020 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 163-173
Religious Leaders' Attitudes on Female Genital Mutilation in Tanzania
Rehema Horera John, Chen Zhixia

Female genital mutilation is a global public health problem which persisted in the World for more than 2000 years. Different actors dedicated efforts to eliminate the practice. The efforts devoted, brought some positive changes, though the practice still existing. Religious leaders are influential and honored people in the society. To understand their attitude on women's health problems is crucial for understanding the root of the problem and how to include them in solving the situation. The main aim of this study was to examine religious leaders' attitudes towards the practice and to look for measures to eliminate the practice. This study used a case study design with a qualitative approach. 22 religious leaders from Kondoa district interviewed and observed their attitudes on the female circumcision practice, reasons for their attitudes, and measures to support the elimination of female circumcision in their society. Findings revealed that, religious leaders' attitudes towards female genital mutilation varies. Some of them support the practice, some oppose it. A number of factors discovered to cause their attitudinal differences. A number of measures suggested to be used as a sustainable intervention for the elimination of the practice.